Writing an Essay

Simply stated, the TOEFL essay requires you to construct logical arguments and use "proper style". You must be able to state your point of view clearly and develop your argument to support that view.

What is the format of an essay?

Essays have a very basic format: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. 

(1) The introduction presents the topic and announces how it will be approached. 

(2) The body of the essay elaborates the point of view established in the introduction. Elaboration is achieved by developing arguments and reasons that  defend the position taken and giving examples or illustrations to explain it in detail.

(3) The conclusion repeats your thesis and sums up your arguments.

The Essay Format


  • "Repeat" the TOEFL question using the exact words or your own words.
  • Take a stand
  • State main idea


  • Required structure: beginning, middle, end
  • Present argument
  • Order arguments (best for last)
  • Elaborate, illustrate, argue
  • Connect arguments
  • Construct paragraphs: one main idea each


  • Restate thesis
  • Connect body and conclusion
  • Make final remark

In order to write an effective TOEFL essay, it is logical that you believe in the position you decide to take. Even if you don't, you should try to convince the reader that you do.

Questions to ask yourself about your essays:

    Have you referred to / mentioned the TOEFL question in your introduction? Is the main idea of your essay stated clearly in the introduction? Have you explained your position on the issue?
  • BODY
    Is there a definite beginning, middle and end to the body? Are the arguments presented in a logical order? Are the arguments explained or illustrated in detail? Is there a paragraph for every new idea?
    Have you connected the body and the conclusion in an appropriate way? Have you restated the main idea or thesis convincingly? Have you made a strong memorable final statement?

  Here is a whole page of "tips" on how to write your essay.

 Updated: 30 April 2009