Mid-Term Exam

Welcome to our exam. Below is a list of 20 words. Please use each of them in a sentence so that I can see clearly that you understand what the word means.

For example, let's take the word "chicken":
If you write "
I see a chicken.", that's bad, because I'm not sure you understand the word "chicken'.

However, if you write "I went to McDonald's, but instead of eating a poison hamburger I ate some poison Chicken McNuggets.", that's good, because I see clearly that you know what "chicken" means. OK?

The grading is as follows: each sentence is worth 5 points -> 2 for the meaning, and 3 for the "correctness" of the sentence.

For example, if your sentence was:
"I went to McDonald's, but instead of eat the poison hamburgers I ate the poison Chicken McNuggets.", you would not get 5 points, but only 4, because the word "eat" is wrong; it should be "eating". 

(This doesn't mean that each mistake is -1; it depends on the problem: grammar mistakes are -1, "wrong word" -1, punctuation  -.5, spelling -.5, etc.)

Now, please do the test, and send it to me via email like the essays. Clicking the postman will open the email window.

Deliver de letter, de sooner de better

  1. adverse
  2. persistent
  3. celebrated
  4. anticipate
  5. prime
  6. lasting
  7. distinguish
  8. relinquish
  9. distribute
  10. apparent
  11. bond
  12. detect
  13. authorize
  14. unique
  15. restore
  16. consequence
  17. intensify
  18. core
  19. convince
  20. reveal

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