account = n. a description of an event; money kept in a bank; a detailed list
syn. report
adj. accountable
n. accountability
v. account
n. accounting
n. accountant

His account of the incident varied from that of the other witnesses.

Many civil servants feel that they have no accountability for what happens in their offices, and this causes bureaucratic bottlenecks almost everywhere.







archaic = adj. very old, old-fashioned; no longer used
syn. ancient, obsolete

A "286" computer is considered archaic in many parts of the world today.

The telex has become almost an archaic means of communication.


























habit = n. a usual or repeated pattern of behavior
syn. custom, practice
n. habitat (the place of usual residence)
n. habitation
adj. habitable
adj. habit-forming
adj. habitual
v. habituate
n. habitude
n. habitué

Smoking is a very difficult habit to give up, but as the proverb says, "where there's a will, there's a way".

The population explosion in many parts of the world has created a threat to the habitat of many types of flora and fauna.

































hasten   =   v. to do something quickly or to cause to go quickly
syn. hurry, accelerate
adv. hastily
adj. hasty
n. hastiness

After notifying his family of the accident, he hastened to add that he had not been hurt.

You should not make important decisions hastily.





































illustration = n. a visual image, typically used to explain
syn. picture, example
adj. illustrated
adj. illustrative
v. illustrate
n illustrator

The illustrations in the textbook make the process of condensation more understandable.

This experiment illustrates how certain chemicals can react violently when combined.














































inactive = adj. not moving; not involved
syn. idle
n inaction
n. inactivity

The AIDS virus can remain inactive for a relatively long period of time.

Her inaction has caused her to miss many opportunities to advance her career.












































intricate = adj. having many parts; finely detailed
syn. complex, elaborate
adv. intricately
n. intricacy

The intricate design on the vase made it a valuable piece for her collection.

I cannot begin to understand all of the intricacies of modern automobile motors.













































magnify = v. to make larger (in size)
syn. enlarge
n. magnification

related words:
magnitude = n. greatness of size or importance
syn. size, significance, dimension
magnificent = adj. extremely nice, outstanding
syn. grand, splendid, lavish
adv. magnificently

The potentially negative impact of Southeast Asia's economic problems has been magnified by the fact that the banking system in many countries of the region is also shaky.

The magnitude of the shock waves frequently correlates positively with the amount of damage that occurs during an earthquake.
















































oblige = v. to force someone to do something; to perform a favor
syn. compel; accommodate
adv. obligingly
adj. obliging
adj. obligatory
n. obligation

The need to buy a new car obliged him to cancel his vacation, since he didn't have enough money for both..

Payment of the student activity fee is obligatory in most universities in the U.S.















































overlook = v. to fail to see; to ignore; to afford a view over
syn. miss, disregard

Scientists must not overlook any aspect of experimental procedure if they want their results to be accepted by the professional community.

Because she was so rich, he decided to overlook the fact that she was very ugly.






























poll = n. questionnaire; a vote of public opinion
syn. survey
n. polling
n. pollster

The poll indicated that conservation of the environment was the number one issue with college students.

The pollster asked the questions in a nonpartisan manner.






































position   =     n. place where something can be found; job
syn. location; post
position   =   v. to put something in a designated place
syn. place

She held a very high position in the firm.

The position of aircraft wings causes the lift that allows the plane to leave the ground.


































practical = adj. serving a purpose; convenient or effective
syn. useful; handy, functional
n. practicality

His ambitious plan to build a life-size gorilla out of margarine was not very practical.

Three fundamental issues in measurement are reliability, validity, and practicality.
































predominant = adj. the most noticeable or powerful element
syn. prevalent, controlling
adv. predominantly
v. predominate
n. predominance

Petroleum is the predominant export of the Middle East.

Some cities in the southwestern Unites States are predominantly Hispanic.






























prompt = v. to cause someone to do something or something to happen; to help someone remember
syn. induce, incite, motivate; remind
prompt = adj. acting or arriving on time; done without delay
syn. immediate, punctual
adv. promptly
n. promptness

His emotional plea prompted the manager to give him a second chance.

Promptness is an important factor in many societies.