distinct= adj. clearly noticed; different
syn. definite, clear
adv. distinctly
adj. distinctive
n. distinction

There was a distinct aroma of coffee in the restaurant.

The two theories are distinctly different from each other.



















dominant = adj. primary or principal; having or exercising control over something
syn. major, main, principle
adv. dominantly
n. domination
n. dominance
v. dominate

The dominant life forms of the Paleozoic era lived in water.

The skyscraper dominates the city skyline.
































dormant adj. not growing or producing; asleep
syn. inactive
n. dormitory

The volcano had been dormant for hundreds of years before its eruption last month.

Most seniors live in the new dormitory.































drab = adj. lacking color; uninteresting, boring
syn. pale, colorless
adv. drably
adj. drabness

Their clothing was quite drab.

The drabness of the desert made driving less interesting.

























































dramatic = adj. something that captures the imagination; exciting
syn. emotional, theatrical
adv. dramatically
v. dramatize
n. drama

The dramatic finish to the film left us speechless.

The hurricane dramatically changed the coastline.



























































elaborate = adj. something with a large numbers of parts parts; full of details
syn. complex (stress on the second syllable)
adj. elaborately
v. elaborate
n. elaboration

An elaborate headdress indicated rank within the Aztec community.

His elaboration of the issue was quite thorough.




































































exceptional = adj. unusual in a positive way
syn. phenomenal, superb, excellent
adv. exceptionally
n. exception
adv. except

The orchestra's performance was exceptional.

Compared to other heavenly bodies, the North Star is exceptionally bright.

















































































hazardous = adj. very risky, unsafe
syn. perilous, dangerous
adj. hazardously
n. hazardous

Handling flammable liquids is hazardous.

There are many hazards involved with starting a business.


















































































minuscule = adj. very small
syn. tiny
adj. minute (pronounced: mainuut)
n. minutia (pl. minutiae)

The sale of the building had a minuscule effect on the profits of the corporation.

Some leaves are covered with minute hairs.















































































prime = adj.. first in importance or in time
syn. chief, main
adj. primed
n. prime = the most vigorous or productive period
v. prime = to prepare (especially a pump by pouring a bit of water in, but also "to train")

In the U.S., the prime lending rate is the rate the Federal Reserve Bank charges other banks to borrow money. It's like the Lombard rate in Germany.

The director primed the actors before the performance

Mozart passed away in the prime of his life.













































































rudimentary = adj. simple; not complex
syn. basic
n. rudiment

He has a rudimentary knowledge of computers.

The rudiments of grammar are taught in all beginning English classes.
























































































sensitive = adj. easily affected
syn. delicate
v. sensitively
n. sensitivity

This equipment is very sensitive to changes in temperature.

Film varies according to its sensitivity to light.









































































































superficial = adj. simple; not deep; near the surface
syn. shallow
n. superficiality
adj. superficially

The inspector determined that the crack in the bridge was only superficial.

You should not try to answer the question superficially.













































































terrifying = adj. filling someone with fear
syn. frightening, chilling
adv. terrifyingly
v. terrify

To be in a violent storm is a terrifying experience.

Some people are terrified of dogs.































































































vigorous = adj. powerful, full of action
syn. forceful, energetic, spirited, strong
adv. vigorously
n. vigor

His vigorous defense of the issues impressed everyone.

He approaches his work with vigor.