Sample email

Ms. Monika Thomas
Director of Human Resources
Sample Software, Inc.
123 Demo Street
Anytown, NY
USA  11111

Dear Ms. Fizzle:

My name is Robert Koch, and I am a third year student in (name of major) at the University of Applied Sciences in Berlin, Germany. Ms. Susan Smith, your colleague from the Berlin branch of Sample Software, mentioned that I could contact you to inquire about the possibility of doing an internship in your firm's office in Honolulu.  

During my studies, I have acquired an excellent theoretical background in (your major). Some of the courses I have performed extremely well in include programming with Java, database analysis, and web design. I believe the skills and knowledge I possess will enable me to make a positive contribution to your organization's activities. Of course, I also expect to enhance these through the practical experience I would gain through working with your firm.

The internship I hope to do at Sample Software is a component of my program required for graduation. It is usually done during the first semester of the third year of our four-year course of study and ideally should be about six months in duration. I would like to begin in fall 2009 but am flexible in regard to the exact dates.

I would be very grateful if you would let me know whether Sample Software offers this type of internship. Thank you very much for your consideration.

Best regards,


Robert Koch
