Day 03

Classroom Activities

Internet Activities

Look how different the same job ad is in German and in English.

Here's some information for international students looking for a job  or internship in the U.S. It's from from the OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue University.

In case you haven't noticed, we're in Europe, so here are a couple of websites that give some interesting and important information about writing (English) resumes from various European perspectives.

  • This is from the Guardian (UK).
  • Here's some information from a professor in Finland.
  • And of course, something from Germany.
  • Last but not least, the "European CV"!
    Please note that this is from an organization that deals with people doing "vocational training" (Ausbildung); I'm not sure it's relevant to university students.

Look at sample CVs (Quintessential

Here's a link to the BHT Internship Contract (.doc file, 36kb) that you can download.

Here's a link to a form you can use to send your CV.

Grammar: Verbs

  • Forming the Present Perfect Tense
  • Using the Present Perfect Tense
  • Present Perfect Tense, Summary